Energy and Environment

How did the environment change within the past years?  how to indicate it as climate change? What can we do?
First, let's take a look at the environment like a house to live beings.
When talking about the environment it involves animals, plants, human, insects, land, air, sea and oceans in a group as the environment.

All members of this group have a responsibility and duty to play a certain role in the environment. So the plants grow up in spring and produce fruits and vegetables to give them to animals and human, water rains from the sky to the earth to provide water to drink and make rivers and sees full of water for plants, human and animals. Climate and weather condition make it possible for human, plants and animals to survive from outer situations and dangers of the earth atmosphere.
Now we have a view on the environment, so let's talk about changes in the environment.

In the history of humanity, we realise that technology is such a mean for the development of a nation. From the beginning of the industrial revolution, we had more chances in technology to benefit ourselves by using the energy resources that we found in years ago.
So we started to change the environment as we want to make a comfortable space for ourselves. We used fossil fuels to power machines to work on our lands beyond the water and air impacts, we used fossil fuels to get warm in winter days except for its emissions to the atmosphere and more.

Today we can see air pollution, water pollution, land pollution and plants getting infected.
Energy is good but it can be dangerous to ourselves and the environment.

In the first clip, you can see land surface temperature anomaly changes, (-)12 to 12-degree celsius from March 2000 to May 2020.

In the second clip, you see the land surface temperature, (-)25 to 45-degree celsius from March 2000 to April 2020.
In the third clip, you see Global temperature change from 1880 to 2020 have been collected by NASA GISS, Cowtan and Way, Berkeley Earth, NOAA National Climatic/Data Center and Met Office Hadley Centre/Climatic Research Unit.

As a conclusion to our actions against the environment, we should manage and take control of our consumption on energy resources and try to provide a small share of energy consumption by renewables. 


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